Edward E. Boas, Jr.

July 18, 2008


Interviewed by Ann Kelsey

Filmed by Michael O’Hagan

For the County College of Morris, Learning Resource Center

Randolph, New Jersey

County College of Morris 40th Anniversary

Transcribed by Jardee Transcription, Tucson, Arizona


Today is Friday, July 18, 2008, and this is an interview with Dr. Edward E. Boas, Jr.  Dr. Boas is being interviewed at the Media Center, County College of Morris, Randolph, New Jersey.  The interviewer is Ann Kelsey, Associate Director, Learning Resource Center, County College of Morris.  The interview is being filmed by Michael O’Hagan, Producer, Learning Resource Center.  This interview is for the County College of Morris’ 40th Anniversary Oral History Project.  Dr. Boas is a CCM alumnus and a member of the first graduating class.


Kelsey:   Where were you born and raised?

Boas:      I was born in Paterson, and I was raised in Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey.

Kelsey:   And where did you go to high school?

Boas:      It was a long ride to Sparta High School.

Kelsey:   What year did you graduate?

Boas:      I graduated Sparta High School in 1968, and that’s what got me here next.

Kelsey:   How did you find out about County College of Morris?

Boas:      That’s a good question.  I remember in high school hearing that there was a college close by, but I didn’t know anything about it.  No one in my family had ever gone to college before, so it was a new thing, being the oldest in the family.  My parents wanted me to go to school, I didn’t want to go to school, so somehow I ended up here.  I don’t really know how I got here, but I ended up here.  It was a good turn.

Kelsey:   And why did you decide to go to school here?

Boas:      My parents had asked—they wanted to see me go to school.  They said that was the thing to do.  And I said, “Okay, I’ll do it.”  I did make ’em a deal, though.  They wanted to send me to school and pay my way, and I said, “No, I’m gonna pay my own way, because if I flunk out, I don’t want you yellin’ at me for the rest of my life that I wasted your money.”  So I actually got a student loan, and I believe for the two-year period, it was $4,000 for two years.  That paid for the two years here.

Kelsey:   Do you think your parents wanted you to go to school partially because of the draft?

Boas:      They may have, but I think my father and mother wanted me to do better than they had done, and just thought that that was the right thing to do at that time, was to go to school.

Kelsey:   What did you major in?

Boas:      Ah, to bring back good memories, I would say general studies.  I’m not sure what I majored in.  I took all the things I was told to take:  the Englishes, the philosophies, the sociology, the phys. ed., and took a little bit of everything.  Remember, everything was new.  We were the first group here, so it was kind of anything we wanted to do, or wanted to try, we did.  We didn’t know any of the instructors, there was no history on who was a good instructor, who was a bad instructor.  I’m not so sure I even knew what philosophy was at that point.  It was just a class on Tuesdays at two o’clock.  We were given schedules in an arena scheduling kind of format, and we winged it.  So I would say general studies—I think.

Kelsey:   What was the physical campus like at that time?

Boas:      Well, I can tell you, compared to today, the trees have grown.  Henderson Hall, which was our administrative building, classroom, meeting pad, cafeteria—was everything.  [Otherwise], there was nothing.  It was just a field with mortar and brick going up, and a parking lot next to it.  And some freshly planted, small shrubs, which today are thirty-foot trees.  So it’s really nice today.

Kelsey:   What was the cafeteria like?

Boas:      Well, the cafeteria was also our student activity center.  It was also where the student council met.  It was also where the automotive rally club met for rallies.  It was the gathering room.  As I showed you in the yearbook, it’s where the bongo board events took place.  It was the gathering place—besides the parking lot.  Those were the two gathering places that I recall.

Kelsey:   What were bongo boards?

Boas:      Tom Blaney started the ski club, and [bongo board was] one of the things that we did back then for skiing, to get balance and agility.  It was a round, six-inch diameter, maple “ball” if you will, and a board sits on top of it.  And you jump on top of it and balance.  And I still have mine from here.  We all bought them, and we had contests, who could stay up the longest, who could eat lunch on the bongo board.  I mean, it was just one of those crazy things that you did to pass the time between classes.  And everybody did it.  You could not go in the cafeteria and not be coaxed into hopping onto a bongo board.

Kelsey:   So they were having these competitions in the cafeteria?

Boas:      Yeah, we had the competitions, and we started it, and we kept it up quite a while, I remember quite well.  And that’s why it’s in the yearbook:  it was one of the major events that we all got together [and did] just to pass the time with.

Kelsey:   Tell me something about the clubs.

Boas:      Well, there was nothing, and we were coaxed by Jerry Luboff, an early English teacher, a young fellow at the time.  He was an English teacher that really related to us very well.  He wanted to start a literary magazine.  And quite frankly, at eighteen or nineteen years old, I’m not sure I knew what a literary magazine was, but we said, “Sure! That sounds like a good idea!”  That led to the photography club, that led to us meeting after school and learning how to write short poems and stories, to produce the literary magazine.  I have two of them, and I will find them for you and give them to you.

Kelsey:   Did it have a name?

Boas:      I think it was The Promethean, is my recollection.

Kelsey:   And it still is.

Boas:      I don’t know where we got that name from, either, but I do remember the group of people sitting down to give it a name.  It’s funny, the first issue has a bunch of pictures of my snow-covered dock at Lake Hopatcong, and cars with snow in my yard.  I just took a lot of pictures where I lived, and a lot of those were put in, because we didn’t have any planned pictures.  So any picture that had some esthetic look to it, or kind of fit with a poem, we plopped in the original issue, which was published on kind of like a simple ditto machine, with a couple of staples in the middle of it.

Kelsey:   Were you involved with other clubs?

Boas:      Oh yeah, one of the things we started, one of the fun things that probably you couldn’t do today, we had an automotive rally club, which one or two weeks a month we would go out and it would be similar to a poker run, where we’d get literally twenty or thirty cars together, and it wasn’t a race, it was just to go from point to point and pick up checkpoints and clues and return back.  We even had overnight rally clubs, where we went up to Newburgh, New York and stayed overnight.  Some people took motorcycles, some people took cars, parents’ cars, convertibles, junkers.  It was just a lot of fun.  We just got together and started on campus and ended on campus.  And it was a blast, so we had a lot of fun.

                        I was in the drama club.  I didn’t think that I was an actor at the time, but they needed people to push around lights and do sound equipment, and we put on live plays.  And I remember vividly “A Streetcar Named Desire.”  And we spent weeks upon weeks practicing and practicing and did three or four shows, and they went over extremely well, and we were all rather shocked at how well we could do that—again, with the assistance of the faculty kind of pushing us to say, “Try it and see what happens.”  And we did.

Kelsey:   What was the political and social atmosphere like on campus that first year?

Boas:      I can’t remember the beginning of the first year.  I can tell you that politically, administratively, we all had a direct line to the president, the dean, the superintendent of buildings and grounds.  I can remember when I believe it was Art Hibbard was hired as the first safety guy, and his son worked in maintenance with me.  And you had a direct line to anybody.  Wilma Holder, which was my best friend’s mom, was the receptionist down in the lobby, so everybody knew everybody, and you had a direct line to anybody.  If you needed to add or delete a class, or needed help, you just went to any faculty member and they kind of figured out how that was done.

                        The Vietnam War was in full swing, and there were mixed feelings, but I think in the first fall semester, we were so busy with the activities on campus that I don’t think that was as much of an issue as it was the second and third semester, when there was turmoil, everybody was protesting, and we had some—I would call them sit-ins or events here, that people would get up and speak for or against the war.  But it was minor.  It was not anything that caused any problems.  It was just more of a gathering, and everybody stating how they felt about the current situation in the world.  So one day you’d be celebrating landing on the moon in July, and then in September you’d be protesting the war.  So it was kind of a funny, funny time.

                        But it was a fun time.  Everybody got along.  It was that “make love, not war” generation, and we all got along, regardless of our political aspirations.  And I don’t remember anybody being that political, although we all had our opinions and shared them, but then after that was over, we went on to the next fun thing that we were going to do.

Kelsey:   Do you remember any veterans on campus?

Boas:      I do remember a couple.  I actually remember recruiters on campus.  I remember when the recruiter came on campus at least once or twice.  There was an army recruiter and a navy recruiter.  But I don’t really remember any veterans other than occasionally I remember one or two older people in uniform that were around, but no, can’t say that I do.  And again, I wasn’t either interested or paying attention at the time, which is totally possible.

Kelsey:   What was the world like for you in 1968?

Boas:      Well, it was a challenge.  I was working a couple of jobs, working here, going to school, growing up, was interested in the same thing everybody else was in 1968:  cars, girls, movies, things that we look at now today as a little minor, but just the average thing a teenager would probably look at today, minus all the technology.  I mean, the big deal was, if you had an 8-track player in your car, rather than just your AM radio.  That was pretty cool.

Kelsey:   How did you dress to go to school?

Boas:      I could tell you if I had to work, I wore my County College of Morris gray work uniform—gray pants with a gray shirt.  But I would say jeans and a shirt.  We didn’t have the dressdown that they have today.  We all put on some nice clothes.  I can remember we had desert boots, that were “in” at the time.  Hush Puppies were in at the time.  I don’t recall wearing that many jeans.  I recall wearing regular khaki pants and a button-down shirt, and sweat shirts.  Of course everybody had a County College of Morris red jacket that we all got in and started that early on, so we could have something to wear that had the college name on it.

Kelsey:   What was the social life like on campus?

Boas:      It was on campus and off campus.  It was a social life that occurred before class, during class, after class, and after campus.  I mean, the social life went around on—Friday and Saturday nights I can remember—I’ll tell you one story vividly I can remember.  There was a party at someone’s house outside of Flemington, and I had taken my ’57 Corvette down, in which we were double-dating.  You can imagine four people in a ’57 Corvette.  We were on somebody’s back road, and I remember it was so foggy and dark I had to hold the door open to back out of their driveway.  My door hit a little tree and fell off the car.  But everybody rallied together and they taped the door back on so I could get home (laughs) and ended up getting it fixed at one of the body shops in Ledgewood a couple of weeks later, and we were back in gear.  But I mean, we all worked together and did crazy things outside of campus as well.  But usually we were focusing on the next thing we could do when we got back here.  I mean, we really focused on the college at the time—as a social as well as educational experience, but there was a lot of socialization going on, that’s for sure.  And a lot of us, it was the first time we had met new people, and it was kind of fun, from all different places.  I never knew anybody from Parsippany or those areas, Denville.  So we met a lot of neat people living up in Lake Hopatcong I would have never met.

Kelsey:   What were some of the local hangouts or hot spots?

Boas:      As I was coming in today, there was a little restaurant on the corner of Route 10 and Center Grove Road.  It was just a little dump.  I mean, it was the only place nearby you could go and get something to eat between classes and come back.  Now, of course, it’s a real diner.  The other hot spots, we had to go up into downtown Succasunna or Ledgewood.  We’d eat at the bowling alley off of Ledgewood Circle.  You know, exciting places like that.  There weren’t a lot of fast food places, that I recall, around here at all.  We’d pack a lunch until the cafeteria got in full swing.  And then you could only live so long on the automated food.  It was kind of tough, it wasn’t the freshest stuff.  But if you were hungry, you’d eat anything.

                        We’d come here all day.  I mean, even if you had a class, unlike a lot of students do where I teach today, we got here at nine o’clock in the morning and left at five in the afternoon, whether we had one class or three classes.  I mean, this was the place to go.  If you didn’t have to work, you were here, and this is where we hung out.

Kelsey:   How did you get to school?

Boas:      Car.  I drove.  I gave you the picture, I started out driving my parents’ Saab, which my dad and I raced up on Lake Naomi.  We drove that here.  And then finally I had bought a Corvette from my neighbor, a ’57 Corvette, for $600, which I managed to get running, and I drove that here for three semesters, every day down and back.  It was about 10 or 12 miles.  I’ve still got it, it still runs, it’s never been painted, never been touched.  It’s exactly like it was the day I bought it.  And it was bought new at Dover Chevrolet.  And I’ve still got it, and it’s one of my prized possessions.  I would have brought it with me today, but give me more notice next time, and I’ll tool up in it.  When you have a big anniversary, I’ll bring it with me.

Kelsey:   We’ll do that.  Do you remember the price of gas?

Boas:      Oh, absolutely.  I worked in gas stations.  I can remember, it was either in the fall of ’68 or the spring of ’69, going out to the gas station, lifting off the plastic cover of the numbers, which you flipped over, like a Rolodex, and changing it from 29.0 [cents per gallon] to 30.9, and I thought the world was gonna end.  For ten bucks I wouldn’t be able to fill up the tank, go to a movie, get pizza and a soda, and still have money left over anymore.  I think the kids today now need fifty bucks to do some of that.  But it was literally ten dollars, you could have a great date.  You could even go bowling if you wanted, and still have change.  But I thought that was the end of the world, 30.9.  I thought that was it.  And cigarettes went up to 40¢ and I quit.  Same year!

Kelsey:   You mentioned that you worked on campus.  What did you do?

Boas:      Absolutely.  I was the first employee hired by the superintendent of buildings and grounds.  I was the go-fer schmuck.  If it had to be done, I got to do it.  Remember, when we first got here, there was a lot of things—not a lot of people planned on all the things that were gonna happen.  I don’t think they planned on so many students showing up, that showed up.  The parking lot was overfull.  We used to park on the lawn until they did the lower lot out in front of Henderson Hall.  There was just the one lot next to Henderson Hall, and then the maintenance building.  And I remember Gil Hole, and he had a ’67 Grand Prix.  It was green with a black vinyl top.  His wife worked at Picatinny Arsenal.  I used to have to go pick her up in his car.  And I got started because I would talk to the maintenance people in the buildings and all, but they didn’t have any outside people, and they needed the grass to be cut.  And I said, “Well, I’ll cut grass.”  It was $1.10 an hour, which was extremely good, because the A&P was only paying 90¢ an hour.  I believe the next year it went to $1.35 an hour in 1969.  I cut grass—among other things.  I mean, swept parking lots, cleared the drains for the water off the parking lots, and helped move stuff from here to there.  Again, it was only two buildings, and there was a lot of construction going on at the same time.  But whatever needed to be done, that’s what we did.  I’m going to stop down at the maintenance building, because in the back there were workbenches built all the way around.  I built those workbenches by hand.  I remember getting the parts down and putting them all together, carriage bolts, and spending a week just putting together the workbenches.  I want to see if they’re still there.

Kelsey:   How many hours a week did you work?

Boas:      Well unfortunately it depended upon how quick the grass grew.  I can remember in the early spring semesters, I would be cutting all week, and then by Monday again I’d go back and start where I was last Monday.  So it was kind of a circular thing.  Then Gil let me go out and buy a big tractor, and that simplified it to about three days a week.  But there really was no requirement, because there were a lot of things to be done.  And we would recruit students who weren’t even on the payroll, who would help us move things around, or get something done, so that we could get done and have some fun.  I would say it was 10-20 hours a week, every week, that we worked.

Kelsey:   Did you work anyplace else besides on campus?

Boas:      Yeah, I worked at the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company [A&P] off the Ledgewood Circle, ’til it burned down.  I worked up there as well.

Kelsey:   What year did it burn down?

Boas:      I want to say ’69 or ’70—the first time, not the second time—the first time.  I worked in the meat department there.  I was a fish head.  Great job.

Kelsey:   How many hours a week?  And you were doing that at the same time?

Boas:      That was ten hours a week or so.  Oh yeah.

Kelsey:   So you were working almost full time.

Boas:      Working all the time, yeah.  That was mostly Saturdays and Sundays, weekends.

Kelsey:   Describe a typical day for you at CCM.

Boas:      If I can remember a typical day.  As I said, I can remember getting up and being here at nine o’clock, and going to the cafeteria, seeing who was there, hanging out outside, or hanging out down at the maintenance building, seeing what needed to be done in the afternoon—interspersed by studying that may occur, with other students, or doing your homework, which we didn’t have to go anywhere to do, we did it right here.  We’d get together and do our homework together.  Remember, the faculty used the same cafeteria, so they’d be there with us, and we’d go sit with the faculty members.

I can’t remember, there was a great German fellow who taught philosophy, who used to come down.  He had that kind of voice and presence that when he walked in a room and spoke, the room got quiet and everybody was impressed with the way he would speak.  And we would always have philosophical debates about Xenophanes and things that you wouldn’t think that eighteen-year-olds would be interested in.  But he had such a profound speaking voice and a presence, and his German accent, he was always dressed with a suit and tie, very impressive, and I can’t remember his name.  I did pass his class, though (chuckles) which was amazing.

Kelsey:   Do you remember a library,having any kind of a library?

Boas:      No.  I remember when the building was opened, but I think I told you in the e-mail, no, I don’t.  I don’t remember….  And again, as I shared with you, and you will share with the website, giving you my original report cards, I was not the library-type student.  If you could be on a road rally, or if you could be goin’ somewhere with a bunch of guys and gals, I was doin’ that, or taking pictures, or doing something else.  I would do the minimum that needed to be done.  It was more for me, unfortunately at the time, a social activity than an educational activity.  So I had my priorities backwards at the time.  But I did okay, but they told me what my goal was, and I met the goal that they wanted, so I focused on other activities.  Having fun!  I was interested in having fun.

Kelsey:   How many classes a day did you take?

Boas:      Usually it was, I want to say, as I recall, four or five days a week, and it would be at least two classes a day.  And usually there was—a little bit different than I know community colleges are today—you would have a break in between classes.  In other words, they wouldn’t let you take a 12:00-2:00, 2:00-4:00.  You would take a 10:00-12:00, and then a 2:00-4:00.  So they’d give you a break, where you kind of had to hang out on campus anyway, and that provided us with the opportunities of us getting together and thinking about things we wanted to do, or would like to do.  But all day.  I mean, we were here all day.  We didn’t want to leave.  When classes were done, we’d be here—if we didn’t have to work, or if somebody didn’t say, “There’s a party at someone else’s house.”  Then, of course, we’d take off.

Kelsey:   What do you remember most about that first year?

Boas:      I guess the transition of nobody telling me that I had to go to class, but I was expected at every class.  Nobody telling me that I had to do homework, but by God you’d better have the homework done.  You know, the part, transitioning from a high school environment to a college environment was a learning experience—as well as what was the content of the classes.  But I remember just the change in atmosphere, where you were treated like an adult, as opposed to someone who needed a hall pass to do anything.  We had free rein of anything we wanted to do.

And I can remember many times three or four of us had an idea.  We would go to the president, and he would say, “Let me check with the board, and let’s see if we can do it!”  Everybody was receptive to anything new and different that we could come up with.  We came up with some crazy stuff.  I think if you look back, there were quite a few clubs on campus, quite a few activities on campus, that probably would rival today.  Everybody didn’t just do one thing:  they did two or three or four clubs.  And I was involved with the student government, but I wasn’t an officer, because we had so many great people who were running the student government, and had so much—their skills in planning events and activities, and talking to the board and the administration, they did a great job.  So we were all working together for we didn’t know what.  It came out pretty well with all the clubs and everything we did.  I’m not so sure how many people were here for the education, but they were also here for the socialization and the changing of their life, compared to a high school environment.  And I don’t remember that many older people that were here.  I mean, we were all in that eighteen, nineteen, twenty-year-old group.  I’ll pick on Cliff Campo.  I think he was two or three years older than most of us, and had been out working.  He had a great ’67 Mustang, red, perfect, mag wheels, just great.  But he was probably one of the older people here, and he was maybe two years older than we were, and that was about it.

And even the faculty,  I don’t think they were that much older than we were.  They were in their twenties, and maybe some of them were in their thirties, but everybody was young, it was new, and it was different.  Everybody was learning new stuff.  It was a great time.

Kelsey:   What is your best memory?

Boas:      That’s one of those things, your greatest and your worst.  The best memory was probably….  You know, one of the things I don’t remember was how we graduated.  I can’t remember how we did that—although I do have the diploma to prove it.  My best memory was probably one I shouldn’t tell you, but I’ll tell you anyway—you can always edit the tape.  My best memory was dating the French teacher’s daughter so I could get a passing grade in French.  That was my best memory.  But I can’t remember her name.  That was a lot of fun.  And I did learn a lot of French, by the way.  My French improved dramatically at that point.  And I can’t remember her name either, but that was a good time, that was a great memory.

                        Other memories were probably things that you remember from each of your classes.  The philosophy teacher—Warganz, I think his name was—“being is and cannot not be, therefore will never be” stuck with me.  In the history class, the History of Western Civilization.  You know, you’d get up every morning and look forward to that class!  But it was entertaining, and I can remember the Romans and Alexander the Great, and he’d go over the detail.  And he had these little model soldiers that he put on the table, and we’d actually act out the wars, and it was great stuff.  And Jerry Luboff with English.  I mean, I certainly was not a writer, I was not a good speller, I was not a good orator.  I was a typical high school student.  I wasn’t a very outgoing person, but he got me to write, he got me to take pictures, he got me to be involved in poetry.  Those are good memories.

Kelsey:   And what about your worst memory?

Boas:      A worst memory.  I’m not sure I have any worst memories.  I’d really have to think about that, because it was a good time, I enjoyed every day.  Probably the worst memory was when it was over, and you had to figure out “what are we gonna do now?”  We didn’t want to leave.  It was over.  What do you do next?  Can you hang out any more?  I got lucky, someone told me that you could go to school and work on cars and do welding, which was my area of interest, since my dad was in that area also, and I ended up going to Trenton State, which is now the College of New Jersey, and majored in industrial arts, industrial engineering, and built race cars, became a professional welder, and still had fast cars, and lookin’ for fast girls.  Welcome to college!  Not much has changed, has it?  (laughs)

Kelsey:   So then you graduated from Trenton State?

Boas:      I got my bachelor’s from Trenton State.  I had a year off in there.  After I graduated from here, I ended up having some surgery and some problems medically, which took a year to heal up, so I ended up working at Vernon Valley Great Gorge, got into snow skiing, was on the National NASTAR [National Standard Race] team in giant slalom snow skiing, and then started a year later in ’71 at Trenton State, graduated with a bachelor’s in ’73, and a master’s in ’74.  And then I went to Temple after that, and got my doctorate in ’79.

Kelsey:   In what subject area?

Boas:      That was vocational-technical education, administration, curriculum, and research.  And in between there, in 1975, I met my wife and got married—which I didn’t plan on that either, but that just happened.  It was a slow Friday night—true story.  We had only seen each other three times, so the third time, we got married.  And I’m still married, to the same person!  Yeah, that’s the key.  So it’ll be thirty-three years this August.  I got married on my birthday, by the way.  It makes gifts easy—a tip for people.

Kelsey:   And then what did you do after you got your Ph.D.?

Boas:      The domino effect.  It was someone here at this campus that told me about Trenton State.  And I can’t remember whether it was a guidance counselor or a faculty member or another student.  And I really didn’t look around.  Nowadays, kids apply to colleges all over the place.  I really didn’t look around.  I figured anybody that would take an average student from here, I’m gonna go with it!  I’ll roll with it.  I could still commute from the lake to Trenton and back on weekends, to work or whatever.  They asked me to stay on at Trenton to do my master’s.  They actually paid for that, I got a scholarship for that.  I graduated from Trenton with a 4.0, graduated my master’s with a 4.0, and graduated with my doctorate 4.0.  So I wouldn’t have done that well there, if I hadn’t got the guidance on what you’re supposed to do, here.  I think that’s the important part.  Even though I was the 2.0 student here, I finally woke up.   And maybe that year off was what I needed, along with not being a teenager anymore.

                        At that point, I guess my real focus was to go on to do something else.  I heard from Trenton that they were looking for leadership individuals in vocational technical education.  I never thought that I would become a teacher.  I mean, that was the furthest thing from my mind.  Nobody in my family was a teacher.  On any side of the family, nobody had ever taught.  And I just kind of fell into it.  When I was a graduate assistant, the professors at Trenton would ask me to fill in on classes—drafting classes, wood shop, metal, welding, auto mechanics—which was a natural, and I could relate to the students real well.

When I went to Temple, I met a fellow from the University of Delaware, and he said “We’re having a conference this weekend, c’mon down.”  I went down, and of course their projector didn’t work, their 16 millimeter projector was broken, so I proceeded to fix it for ’em.  And the dean of the department down there said, “Can you do this technology stuff?”  And I said “Yeah.”  Well, they invited me down there as a graduate assistant, and I spent twelve years at the University of Delaware.  I was the youngest full professor ever in the history of the University of Delaware.

One of my students there was starting a computer science program at a community college in Maryland, which is only four miles away, and the second year he was overwhelmed, and he said, “Would you come and help me?”  Well, that was twenty-five years ago.  So full circle:  starting in a community college, and I’ve been in a community college most of my career.  So I really understand the community college life now, from both sides of the fence.

Kelsey:   How have the years you attended CCM affected your life?

Boas:      Well, I’m sure if I didn’t go here, I probably wouldn’t have gone to any other [college].  I mean, I would have never heard about Trenton State.  I probably wouldn’t have gone to another college.  Coming here, I didn’t know whether I wanted to go to college, wanted to be in college.  I think if it wasn’t for the balance between the out-of-college and the in-college experience being so enjoyable, I probably wouldn’t have continued at college.  And if someone—and I can’t tell you who it was—didn’t tell me you could leave here and go on and get two more years and get a degree, I probably wouldn’t have done that either.  So a lot of it was being in the right place at the right time—luck—and saying yes to an opportunity that came along, and just “try it and see what happens.”  And that’s really how it happened.  I hadn’t planned on it.  I hadn’t planned on getting a doctorate.  That was out of the realm of possibility.  I have a number of credits beyond my doctorate, but that would be the farthest thing from anybody’s….  I wish my high school guidance counselor was still alive, because she was the one who told me, “You’d better go into the service, because no college will take you.”  So I proved her wrong when I graduated from here, and I did go back and give her a copy of my diploma from here, and she was impressed.  So….  I impressed everybody along the way.  Somehow I woke up and found out that it wasn’t so hard going to school, and you could learn something and have a good time.  But that all started here.

Kelsey:   Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Boas:      No.  Hopefully I’ll find some of the more interesting materials I have in my collection, and you can display them or archive them somewhere and show everybody what it was like.  I’m sure all the people out of these early classes you interview, they’re going to say they had a good time.  That’s what it was all about.

Kelsey:   All right, thank you very much.

Boas:      You bet.  My pleasure.




Administration, 14

Anti-war sentiment, 6

Blaney, Tom, 3

Bongo boards, 3

Cafeteria, 3, 9, 12

Campo, Cliff, 15

Campus, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17

Clubs, 3, 4, 5, 14

Delaware, University of, 18, 19

Dress, 7

Early life, 1

Economic atmosphere, 9

Employment, 7, 10, 11, 12

Faculty, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17

Family, 1, 18

Henderson Hall, 3, 10

High school guidance counselor, 19

Holder, Wilma, 5

Hole, Gil, 10

Hibbard, Art, 5

Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, 1, 4, 8

Library, 13

Luboff, Jerry, 4, 16

Military draft, 2

Military recruiters, 6

Picatinny Arsenal, 10

Political atmosphere, 5

Promethean, 4

Social atmosphere, 5, 7, 8, 13

Sparta High School, 1

Student government, 14

Students, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19

Transportation, 9

Trenton State, 16, 17, 18, 19

Typical day, 12, 13

Vernon Valley Great Gorge, 17

Veterans, 6

Vietnam War, 6

Warganz, Joseph, 12, 16

Wife, 17




County College of Morris opened its doors in September of 1968. Join us in celebrating 40 years of connecting learning and life. Read about THE EVENTS that shaped the times, remember THE CULTURE, and join the founding CCM students, staff, and faculty as they share with us THE MEMORIES of those early days.